Access. Opportunity. Justice.
CommunicationFIRST is the only nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting and advancing the civil rights of the more than 5 million children and adults in the United States who, due to disability or other condition, cannot rely on speech alone to be heard and understood.
Our mission is to protect and advance the rights, autonomy, opportunity, and dignity of people with speech-related disabilities through public engagement, policy and practice reform, and systemic advocacy.
DARE WE envision a world where those who cannot speak ...
Live free from discrimination, neglect, low expectations, and isolation?
Exercise autonomy and self-determination?
Enjoy equal rights and opportunities?
Are valued as integral members of their communities?
Are treated with respect and dignity?
We seek to end prejudice and discrimination against people with speech-related disabilities and conditions, and to promote equity, justice, inclusion, and opportunity.
“Oppression can be imposed only when people lack an identity they name, lack agency, and lack voice.”
— Bob Williams
Communication is access. Communication is opportunity. Communication is power. Communication is justice.
Meet Us.
Visit the Perspectives page for member profiles, guest blogs, essays, news, photos, videos, and other features by and about our members and allies.
Share Your Story
Most people take the ability to communicate for granted.
Share your personal communication story to help others understand that communication is a fundamental human need and right, and to be better equipped to include those among us who may need tools or supports to communicate.