What Would You Do Without Your Aide?

Alongside their aides, AAC users eat boxed lunches at a table in a hotel atrium.
Alongside their aides, AAC users eat boxed lunches at a table in a hotel atrium.

The President and Congress are talking about making large funding cuts to all state Medicaid programs. Many know that Medicaid funds health care for low-income people. But Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS) “waivers” also fund services and supports that allow people with disabilities to to live in their community — not in a nursing home or other institution. Medicaid-funded services like aides are key to enabling AAC users and other people with disabilities to live full lives. 

Cutting Medicaid would hurt people who need AAC by limiting these critical services. 

Many Members of Congress do not know the essential role of Medicaid in supporting our lives. They need to hear our stories! Please make a difference! Tell your US Representative and Senators and/or your Governor what would happen if you lost your Medicaid waiver services. Write them an email, record and send them a video of yourself, or ask for a Zoom or in-person meeting in your district as soon as possible. Congress is planning to act soon!

Our amazing partners have created tools and resources to make telling your story and staying informed as easy as possible. 


    • Community Catalyst
      • One-Pagers: on Medicaid work requirements, block grants, and per capita caps
    • Center for Children & Families (CCF) at Georgetown University
      • Report: regarding the importance of Medicaid for small towns and rural areas
    • Justice in Aging
      • Fact Sheet: “Work Requirements Would Cut Medicaid for Older Adults With Disabilities and Chronic Health Conditions”
    • National Health Law Program (NHeLP)
      • Brief: “‘Unfit’ to work? How Medicaid Work Requirements Hurt People with Disabilities”
      • Medicaid Defense Resource List: also prepared by Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), Community Catalyst, and Families USA

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